Photo by: Mike Sumoto
So, who am I? why do I feel like I can bring something new to the table? a table thats already saturated with sneaker review blogs, sneaker review videos, sneaker related anything. I don't think I have anything new to bring other than my opinions and my knowledge. Hip Hop culture and Sneaker culture, I feel, have gone hand in hand since the inception of Hip Hop. I've been a fan and participant of hip hop most my life (bboy since 2001) and a fan of sneakers since I was about 6 or 7. My reasons for starting this blog or site? I want to bring a personal touch the sneaker community. Who are we beyond our screen names?, It's a question I ask myself when ever I come across a sneakerhead's account. As for me, i'm a 29 year old student to hip hop and sneaker enthusiast, and this site is where i'll bridge my two passions, along with DJ mixes and stuff related to hip hop.